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Bangunan Kapal

Bangunan Kapal

Perancangan Kapal

Posted by blogbenny On 07.11 0 komentar

The vessel of MV. SIRENA is Landing Craft Tank vessel type ( LCT). This vessel is to provide the transportation
of movable payload like car and also able to be used as transportation of general cargo. LCT have deck continued
entirety of ship length. Because level of wide of deck, and comparison of length and wide is less ideal ship, This LCT
vessel have unfavourable stability character. For example at tank compartment under double bottom where liquid
payload make a move from left side to ship right side or on the contrary, can cause free surface effect. This matter
can be considered to be + weight influencing stability arm of the ship. Even ship with this type of earning losing of
the stability of swiftly if water in most lower decks after happened leakage of bulkhead or hull or car entrance
resulting big free surface effect.
Re-Design MV. SIRENA aim to know ship stability characteristic, is so that known the condition of most critical
loading of ship and is hereinafter will make the better of stability so that fulfill stability according to standard of
As for way or method which selected in improve better stability of MV. SIRENA is added bulkhead of Fuel Oil
tank and Fresh Water tank. Is hereinafter done the calculation of stability by using software Maxsurf release 12.04.
From result of calculation ship stability after added of bulkhead of Fuel oil and freshwater tank is found better
result of that critical condition at Load Case VIII at the value of angle maximum GZ equal to 9.8% and equal to
7.14% at Load Case IV and IX and also to the overall of loading condition is found better of value at angle of
maximum GZ equal to 7,78%.
label: game komputer oto blitz black pimmy ride Exotic Moge MotoGP Honda SUV car body design


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